Make a Place-based Narrative
"I always believed it was the things you don’t choose that makes you who you are. Your city, your neighborhood, your family. People here take pride in these things, like it was something they’d accomplished. The bodies around their souls, the cities wrapped around those. I lived on this block my whole life; most of these people have."
Photos near the school
The more photos, the better.
Sad Playground :(
Class Project: Photos of Place
You can complete this activity as an individual or as a group. If you work as a group, you may insert your group photos and respond to them individually.
Aim to use A, P, TV or M mode for these photos, not auto. It will help you to capture lighting more deliberately.
Your activity is to create a series of at least 4 photos that show a local area (e.g. the lake, the LTC library, the school itself, Tuggeranong area, your bedroom or local suburb).
Consider which of the following you want to show in your images:
-The vibe of the place with or without people
-The passage of time
-An attitude that people have towards the place
Consider how lighting, colours and compositional tools can help to portray this
For Your Process Journal
Create a subpage under 'Class Projects' in your Portfolio called 'Place-based photos.' Insert the photos that you have taken. Complete the following:
C level (ish)
Insert at least 4 images that you have created.
Include before and after editing and label them.
Provide dot points for I, M, M, E below the images that note choices made to construct them
B level (ish)
Complete previous steps
Insert 4-6 images you have created (before and after edits and labelled).
Turn your I, M, M, E dot points in to full sentences
In your intention section, explain what theme means in photos and why photographers might make a place-based narrative photo series
Include an APA reference
A level (ish)
Complete previous steps. Provide 6-10 images.
Find an additional example of a place-based photo series and insert it
Provide dot points for I, M, M, E below the images that note choices made to construct them
Write a TEEAC paragraph and analyse what you like about the series that you have found and compare it to your own
Provide multiple APA references