2023Presentation Contest for the faculty of International Tourism Management (ITM)


On the 2nd of November, starting from 12:40 and finishing at 2:30, the Faculty of ITM held its first English presentation contest. In previous years, we had held speech contests, with students remembering and giving their speeches. This time, students used PowerPoint to go along with their talks.

There were five topics to choose from including AI, social media and gender issues. On the day, 11 students joined the contest from the first, second and third years in the faculty. Each student prepared their script and PowerPoint slides with the help of teachers in the faculty.

On the day, all the presentations were such good quality and delivered with energy, but the result was below:


1.  Saki Furuya (2年生) - Zero waste- to create a society that does not call garbage “garbage”

2.  Rei Kato (2年生) - Equal happiness for all children

3.      Xiang Yang (1年生) - AI, our invisible learning assistant


It was really difficult to choose the final winner because everyone gave such passionate presentations, but Saki will be the representative for our faculty in the All-Toyo presentation contest (same topic) on the 25th November 2023. Good luck to her.

           I really recommend students to join future presentation contests because it can really help you build your confidence, express your opinions and presenting is a valuable skill in the workplace.

           Lastly, a big thank you to the invaluable help of the judges, students, and the office staff for creating and co-ordinating this great learning opportunity.






