3.1 段落

本文翻譯自 http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/zh-tw/html/CO.html#COPA, 2011.12.9


散文可以在所有 TEI 文本中出現,即使是那些主要是其他類型 (例如韻文) 的文本;所以段落在這裡描述,因為它可以在任何類型的文本中出現。


我們區分 1) 片語等級元素:必須完全包含在一個段落裡,如果沒有的話,它不能出現;2) 塊級元素:可以出現在段落之間,但是不能出現在段落裡面;3) 中間等級元素:可以出現在段落裡,也可以出現在段落之間。

片語 class 包括強調或引用的片語、名稱、日期等。

中間等級元素的 class 包括書目引用、註解、清單等。

塊級元素的 class 包括段落本身,以及其他具有類似性質的元素,尤其是 16.3 Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 描述的 ab (anonymous block, 匿名區塊) 元素,它可以在某些種類文本中作為段落的替代使用。




段落由 p 元素標記:

<p> (段落) 標記散文的段落。

如果需要在段落裡有一致的內部細分,可以使用 sseg (‘segment’, 片段) 元素,如 16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment17 Simple Analytic Mechanisms 所分別描述的。

但是通常情況下,段落並沒有固定的內部結構,而是包含下列部分混合組成的散文:字元、實體參照(entity references)、以本章其他部分描述方式標記的片語,以及像清單、圖表或表格等嵌入式元素(embedded elements)。

由於西方文本中的段落通常都有明白的標示,典型的標示是首行內縮,p 標籤的應用通常沒什麼問題。(譯註:中文文本的段落通常也都可由首行內縮以及段落前的留空辨識出來)


  <p>I fully appreciate Gen. Pope's splendid achievements with their
   invaluable results; but you must know that Major Generalships in the
   Regular Army, are not as plenty as blackberries.</p>


<head>SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 19</head>
<p>Serbs seized more territory in this struggling new country today as
 the United States Air Force ended a two-day airlift of humanitarian
 aid into the capital, Sarajevo.</p>
<p>International relief workers called on European Community nations
 to step up their humanitarian aid to the former Yugoslav republic,
 in conjunction with new American aid flights if necessary.</p>
<p>A special envoy from the European Community, Colin Doyle, harshly
condemned the decision by Serbs to shell Sarajevo on Saturday night
during a visit to the Bosnian capital by a senior American official,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Ralph R. Johnson.</p>

以下摘錄自俄羅斯童話,展示兩個片語等級的元素 (本例中 q 元素代表直接談話;見 3.3.3 Quotation) 如何套嵌(nested)在段落裡,但是不交錯:

<p>A fly built a castle, a tall and mighty castle.
 There came to the castle the Crawling Louse. <q>Who,
 who's in the castle? Who, who's in your house?</q>
 said the Crawling Louse. <q>I, I, the Languishing Fly.
 And who art thou?</q>
 <q>I'm the Crawling Louse.</q>
<p>Then came to the castle the Leaping Flea. <q>Who,
 who's in the castle?</q> said the Leaping Flea. <q>I,
 I, the Languishing Fly, and I, the Crawling Louse. And
 who art thou?</q>
 <q>I'm the Leaping Flea.</q>
<p>Then came to the castle the Mischievous Mosquito.
 <q>Who, who's in the castle?</q> said the Mischievous
 Mosquito. <q>I, I, the Languishing Fly, and I, the
 Crawling Louse, and I, the Leaping Flea. And who art
 <q>I'm the Mischievous Mosquito.</q>