TM4T - What's New 24 - Psychobabble

No site about Time Management is complete without babble and pseudo-science, so this is TM4T's token contribution to the world of waffle. First thing to explain is the TM4T theory of academic rigour: we believe that - as far as time management is concerned - usefulness is inversely propotional to the level of academic referencing embodied,and the rigour of the author's research method. I should stress that I have no relevant qualifications,any scientific evidence to support this theory. Therefore it must be true.

Now, we should explain the theory of our method.  We call it psycho-logical, introducing a hyphen to make it look cool, and aiming to annoy etymologists and classicists alike. We have a simplistic explanation of the word: 'psycho'... er, that's the mind and thinking, and 'logical', well that means logical. You might guess from this that none of the authors have degrees in English or Psychology, but regrettably, you'd be wrong. We just aren't that bothered about detail and accuracy in this particular area.

What we are proposing is that 'logic' rather than 'emotion' should be the focus of our everyday time-management efforts. Paradoxically, this does not mean that we elevate logic over emotion - quite the contrary: emotion must come first. Problems emerge when emotion comes last. Common sense will offer many examples of this basic truth... If you apply logic to make a decision, and then reverse that decision based on emotion, then the outcome is typically bad. However, if you make a decision based on emotion, then reverse that decision based on logic, the outcome may not be great, but the situation is more likely to be recoverable.

In all the great paths that you follow, you should let emotion determine your initial direction. Of course, the corollary is: if you allow emotion to decide, then there will be great paths to follow. But, but but: when the big decisions have been made, and your course is set, then emotion has had its day. From then on, logic must dictate your route, choosing the best footsteps and the optimum path.

For teachers, this makes life pretty easy. For most of us, the emotional decisions are made: we have chosen our career. What we need to do now is to make it work.