TM4T Barriers to Success - Wrong Toys

Ever said any of the following "I couldn't print out the agenda", "I couldn't open your attachment", "I haven't got the meeting in my schedule", "It's on my laptop/Home PC/i-Pad/whatever" ??

The fact is that technology is only useful in time management if it is really good technology.

A few tips:

a) Don't depend on any technology that you can't take into class with you.

b) Don't keep more than one appointments diary for school work; and don't use more than one to-do list

c) Don't rely on anything that can be broken, lost or stolen, unless it can be replaced within 24 hours for twenty quid.

d) Don't do school work on any keyboard that prevents touch-typing (Oh, and by-the-way: if you can't touch-type, learn to touch-type)

e) DO use basic school technology (BST) as much as possible. BST = word-processor, spreadsheet, presentation software, e-mail, Web, USB connectable devices.

You should also be cautious of websites like this one (both time management and other teaching advice); and deeply suspicious of blogs, apps, e-mailed newsletters or any other distraction or displacement activity which threatens to waste more time than it saves.