TM4T Burnout - Causes of burnout

How Burnout Happens

There is no specific trigger, but there are some common themes which seem to precede burnout, though we can't say that these cause it.

1. Lack of autonomy or control over your work, and how you do it.

2. Lack of time to finish work to an acceptable standard (acceptable to you)

3. Misalignment between your values and priorities, and the behaviour and views of the school or education authorities.

4. Unclear or unrealistic job and career expectations.

5. Working in a dysfunctional team or failing school

6. Having a consistently excessive and unrealistic workload

7. Having too little support from your school or leadership

8. Having too little appreciation for your efforts or achievements

9. Experiencing an excessive or unreasonable workload.

10. Receiving inadequate recognition or appreciation for your efforts and achievements.

11. Being consistently given monotonous, repetitive or unstimulating tasks or roles.