The STABLING Exercise - Eight Stalls, Eight Ponies

As you've probably guessed, this quiz is trying to pigeon-hole you; to put you in a category or label you as a 'type' – we call this putting your pony into a specific stall. This, of course, is unfair: you are unique, and everyone else is too.

It is, in fact, doubly unfair, because the results are not certain – all they can do is indicate whether you appear to respond in a way which is typical of a particular group of people. If you disagree with the feedback, don't worry, but spend a little time to try and work out why.

Remember that this quiz deals with preferences and inclinations – it doesn't assess how good or bad you are at things. Just because you're Mr Bossy it doesn't mean you'd be a good boss – or that you can't be a creative teacher.

The Stabling Behaviour Preference Quiz is based on the ideas of Team Roles, modified to reflect time management issues. There are eight Stalls, with the acronym STABLING. The eight ponies are...

S: So-Perfect

T: Tick-it

A: Analyst

B: Bossy

L: Logic

I: Ideas

N: Not-Now

G: Get-on-with-it

Each pony is described below - you may have also guessed that in the last STABLING question -  Part 8 Nailed - the eight statements (labelled A-H) describe, in order, the eight STABLING stalls.

STABLING Ponies and Stalls Summary