TM4T - Epsworth Quiz

We all doze now and again; sometimes in the staff-room, hopefully never in the classroom... This is a good indication of how effective our night-time sleeping routine is.

The Epsworth self-assessment questionnaire assesses how sleepy a person you actually are. Consider each of the scenarios below and write down a number (0, 1, 2 or 3) for each scenario A-H. You should end up with a list of eight numbers (for example 0 1 2 2 1 0 0 1) to add up.  Choose your number based on the following

0 = I would never, ever doze in this scenario

1 = There is a slight chance that I might doze in this scenario

2 = Yes, there's a moderate or reasonable chance that I might doze in this scenario

3 = There is a high likelihood that I would doze in this situation.

A.    Sitting at home, with regular levels of heating and lighting, reading a book or a newspaper

B.    Sitting at home, with regular levels of heating and lighting, watching what-you-usually-watch on TV

C.    Sitting inactive in a public place (for example a presentation which is not directly relevant to you)

D.    Lying down for a rest on a weekend afternoon

E.    Sitting talking quietly to someone

F.    Sitting quietly after an alcohol-free lunch doing nothing-in-particular

G.    Driving a car, but stationary in heavy traffic

H.    Sitting as a passenger in a car, with an un-talkative driver for a one-hour journey

The standard interpretation of your score is as follows

Less than 10: You are probably getting enough sleep

10-16: You display excessive sleepiness; you should re-consider your night-time sleeping routine.

More than 16: You should discuss your daytime sleepiness with a medical professional - you are dangerously sleepy.