TM4T Techniques 3.1.2 - Self Awareness - Chronotypes

Most of us have times of the day at which we are our most energetic, our most creative, or our most determined. One time of day is best for planning brilliant lessons, another time of day is better for mountains of repetitive marking. Tackling the wrong kind of work at the wrong time of day means that we waste our potential or limit our achievements.

This simple insight can revolutionise your working life, though it does take careful thought to identify opportunities to put it into practice - few of us can choose when we do our 'admin' work - we are given a timetable. However, most of us can use the techniques described here to extend our timetable in a useful way.

There are a variety of ways to understand our personal biological clocks, including online assessment tools. More information, and tools to assess your own chronotype are available  - click here:  <-------  This is the tool which provides a personalised e-mail assessment.

Teachers who feel they have a more serious issue with sleep, should of course seek professional medical advice, but the diagnostic tool here can provide insight into whether 'sleep' is actually the problem.