TM4T Using Your System 3.2.2 - Outline of Health and Safety

Each teacher needs to understand about health, safety and security in the classroom and the school

This topic will vary in some details depending on what subject you teach. If you supervise a laboratory, a workshop, or a gym, for example, you will obviously, have specific issues relating to Health and Safety. However, the basics are relevant in every context. This includes not only teaching but virtually every job in Europe, whether it involves a factory, an office, or anywhere else.

This is important for two reasons:

These duties are all-embracing and include the obvious (litter in the classroom causing a risk of slipping) and the less obvious (excessive noise from a workgroup causing a risk of hearing damage).

Depending on your specialism, you are expected to know the risks involved in your workplace and to take reasonable to care to avoid them. You also have a general obligation to know the know the school's procedures & responsibilities associated with Health and Safety (for example fire doors, security codes) and to follow them. You are also responsible for reporting any hazards to the appropriate person, especially where you have cleaning staff or support staff assigned to assist you in the classroom.

If you are in any doubt regarding what your legal position is, you should refer to your union or professional body and seek expert advice.