TM4T Techniques 1.1 Task Analysis Techniques

Now here's a funny thing. There really aren't very many task analysis techniques involved.

That's because TM4T does not expect a chalkface teacher to analyse what they do very much using formal techniques. Common Sense is the basic approach.

'Hang on..' I hear you say. 'People have told me that TM4T is the most comprehensive method, with a whole shed-full of mysterious techniques.'.  Well, OK, that's true. But you won't find them in this section. Most of the Analysis Techniques are under TM4T Background. Click here to revisit that material, then for more practical advice, click here.

The Background section describes how we should categorise everything that we do as either Operations, Projects, or Disruptions, and explains in some tedious detail how Operations are dealt with in Management Science. That leaves us with Projects and Disruptions.

The techniques used to deal with Projects are pretty much covered in the Planning section here, and there's not much point in duplicating them. That leaves us with Disruptions. Click here to read more.

Now all we need to do now is use our common sense to decide what work needs doing when and where. Click here to read more.

And, of course, no discussion of administration would be complete without considering Filing. You're excited, aren't you? I can tell. For more thrilling advice on filing, click here.