TM4T Background - Data vs information

NThe difference between data and information? The distinctive thing about information is that it is useful - in itself. A lot of the jiggling of numbers that teachers are obliged to do is therefore aimed at transforming and interpreting useless data into useful information.  This definition of 'useful' is obviously subjective, and this is one of the reasons that the data vs information topic is rather woolly. One teacher's useless data is another teacher's (or leader's) valuable information. We rarely't all agree on what 'useful' means.

Let's look at an example. Here is a piece of information: Fiona in 10C has stopped handing in homework; she feels discouraged and needs intervention to re-motivate her.

Now, this example is deliberately problematic: firstly because Fiona's emotions and circumstances cannot be derived from data alone, and secondly because a teacher would probably be able to observe or infer Fiona's issues without analysing any homework data. However, most of us would acknowledge that reviewing homework submission data might give an indication regarding a student's enthusiasm for work. So... here is the homework submission check-list:

OK. Fiona isn't alone. Six no-works from 30 students; 20% of the group - some school leaders might interpret that data to offer information on the class (poorly motivated?), topic (boring?) or teacher (incompetent?).  However, for me-the-teacher, the data doesn't mean much, other than to remind me that I need to look at attendance records. Here are the registers for the day the homework was handed out, and the day it was collected in - this is more data:

This data prompts my memory and generates information: there was some sort of football match which meant three boys were absent, and there was some bug going round the

previous week. Fiona is the only student who doesn't seem to have a valid excuse. The data (useless) is now revealing meaningful stuff to me. But: is it useful? This is the test for whether it counts as information or data.

Well, the rule of thumb is this: if you can use it to take action, it is 'useful'; otherwise not. In most cases 'take action' doesn't include seeking more data. So: is this data or information?  Well, for me, it's information - this is the second time this term, so I'm giving her a detention right now.