TM4T Techniques - Basic Paper Filing

Most teachers really should not need to file much paper.  TM4T therefore recommends the ultimate in simple filing systems: a single box-file per term. Clearly labelled with your name and term eg Mr Bigrush Spring 2014, it should hold all papers that you don't really want to throw away yet. This does NOT include any papers you are actively working on. As an example, a letter from the Head should be carried around with you until you have answered it, then filed in your box file if you really need a personal copy. Your box file should stay at school in a secure place. You should place items in the box file in simple order. 'Simple order' means that you put new items on top of old ones. There is one exception to this rule. Any genuinely and personally important documents should be placed at the very bottom of the box. 'Important documents' includes things like your annual performance objectives. This approach means that finding something important is a simple matter of starting at the bottom of the box.