LOL Users

Unfortunately, not only users.


Access to the entire filesystem, seen on a big company's website (discovered in September 2007):

Solaris 10 11/06 s10s_u3wos_10 SPARC Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems,

Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Assembled

14 November 2006


# ls -ld /tmp/share
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system        78 Feb 07 2006  /tmp/share -> /u02/TMP_PER_SHARE_KOZOS_KONYVTAR_ATHUZVA_NE_TOROD_CSAK_HA_TUDOD_MIT_CSINALSZ/



# cat bin/AAAAbasszameg
basszameg veletlenul kitoroltem innen az osszes file-t!!!
Ezek most masolatok az $host1-rol, remelem minden hivatkozast atirtam!!!

(In Hungarian, "Fuck, accidentally I deleted every file from here!!! These are now copies from $host1, I hope I created every reference again!!!")

IRC quotes

17:46 < m> Fuck this SEA stuff is shiyt

17:47 < m> shit

11:13 < m> "Unable to set link status callback in adapter: adapter does not support EtherChannel Backup"

11:13 < m> Basically, IVM is crap