Mirror: Network install AIX via GNU/Linux without NIMOL

A copy of http://www.digital52.com/help/aixnimol.php written by Jeffry Walsh (?).

I added some formatting to make it fit better on the page.

AIX Network File Setup

  1. Install or extract DVD/RPMS/linux/aix-res-xxx.rpm (which will install into /opt/aix-res/<aixversion>).
  2. Make /export/aix71/lppsource directory, creating all parent directories as necessary (or whatever you want to name your nfs export).
  3. Copy directory /DVD/installp to /export/aix71/lppsource
  4. Change into /opt/aix-res/<aixversion> directory.
  5. Type: tar xzf ispot.tar.Z -C /export/aix71
    1. **This will make a directory at /export/aix71/spot.
  6. Type: gunzip booti.chrp.mp.ent.Z and then move the extracted file booti.chrp.mp.ent to your /tftpboot directory and rename it something like "aix71-kernel". This is the AIX kernel.
  7. Copy "bosinst.data" to /export/aix71. This will allow for autoinstallation if wanted in the future.
  8. Copy DVD/usr to /export/aix71/SPOT/ overwriting all files.
  9. Make files executable under /export/aix71/SPOT/usr/*.
  10. Create an NFS export in /etc/exports like:
    1. /export/aix71 *(ro,insecure,no_root_squash,sync)
    2. /export/aix71/lppsource *(ro,insecure,no_root_squash,sync)
  11. Restart the nfs service.

AIX Install file setup

For the kernel file in /tftpboot (aix71-kernel in step #6) there needs to

be a matching .info filename, aix71-kernel.info . If the kernel is renamed or soft or hard-linked to (best way for saving space and allowing for customization) the .info file needs to match.

The .info file, with the current setup, should be like the following, changing the variables to match what you have.

#----- Network Install Manager Info File -----#
export NIM_SERVER_TYPE=linux
export NIM_SYSLOG_PORT=514
export NIM_NAME=$clientname
export NIM_HOSTNAME=$clientname
export NIM_CONFIGURATION=standalone
export NIM_MASTER_HOSTNAME=$servername
export NIM_SHELL="shell"
export RC_CONFIG=rc.bos_inst
export NIM_BOSINST_ENV="/../SPOT/usr/lpp/bos.sysmgt/nim/methods/c_bosinst_env"
export NIM_BOSINST_RECOVER="/../SPOT/usr/lpp/bos.sysmgt/nim/methods/c_bosinst_env -a hostname=$clientname"
export SPOT=$nfsservername:/export/aix71/spot/usr
export NIM_BOS_FORMAT=spot
export NIM_HOSTS=" $clientip:$clientname $serverip:$servername $nfsserverip:$nfsservername"
export NIM_MOUNTS=" $nfsservername:/export/aix71/lppsource/installp/ppc:/SPOT/usr/sys/inst.images:dir $nfsservername:/export/aix71/bosinst.data:/NIM_BOSINST_DATA:file "
export ROUTES=" default:0:$serverip "
#----- End of NIM Info File -----#

DHCP Setup

pBlade uses bootp to retrieve IP information, which dhcpd already supplies bootp. A static IP needs to be set which is fairly simple.

In the /etc/dhcpd.conf or separate file that will be "included" in dhcpd.conf should contain:

host $clientname {
fixed-address $clientip;
hardware ethernet $clientmac;
filename aix71-kernel;

The SMS Remote IPL for the blade will need to be setup to represent the configuration.

Client IP: $clientip

Server IP: $serverip

Gateway IP: $serverip

Subnet Mask:

or whatever you have yours set to.

VIOS Installations

These are very similar to the above. The major difference is mksysb installs vs rte. mksysb are disk images while rte is a fresh install.

VIOS installations, I believe, can be handled the same way as AIX, but using Bernard Zeller's installation information mksysb are used as its available on the DVD already, where AIX it is not.


For logging of all linux AIX/NIMoL Type Installs

Taken from Bernard Zeller's information

1. Edit /etc/sysconfig/syslog:

# /etc/sysconfig/syslog

2. Edit /etc/syslog.conf

# /etc/syslog.conf
#local2,local3.* -/var/log/localmessages
local3.* -/var/log/localmessages
local4,local5.* -/var/log/localmessages
local6,local7.* -/var/log/localmessages
local2.* -/var/log/nimol.log