Downloading IBM fixes requires a support contract

Post date: Nov 10, 2011 3:45:07 PM

"Starting on November 13, 2011, Fix Central downloads are available only for to IBM clients or relations with hardware or software under warranty, maintenance contracts, or subscription and support."

This applies for their entire software product line, not just AIX and/or firmware. Correction, 14 November: "Starting on November 13, 2011, each IBM client accessing Fix Central (whether through their employees or other authorized representatives) will require an individual IBM ID to download fixes for a limited number of additional product areas (including AIX and VIOS). This requirement will be expanded to additional products in the future."

There is already a new warning out there when you hit the Fix Central page:

"Welcome to IBM Fix Central. This is to remind you that any entity for whom you are acting by accessing the material available through this website has previously agreed to the terms of a license agreement governing the use of the Program, and any software code, samples, updates and fixes thereto (collectively, the "Code"). You are only authorized to install or use the Code with a Program for which there is a valid proof of entitlement or license, as applicable."

What's the big deal? IBM was the last commercial Unix vendor to introduce this restriction, and we did not expect this change of mind from them. To be honest, it isn't a serious issue for customers like my company. What is really sad that IBM has lost its liberal, friendly, open minded approach to supplying updates for their products with this move - getting closer to other vendors in this aspect.

I guess a bunch of WebSphere apps will be upgraded on the weekend behind the site:

"There is a planned server outage on Sat, 12 Nov 2011 from 6:00 p.m. to Sun, 13 Nov 2:45 a.m. Central Standard Time (CST). Fix Central may be unavailable during this time."

Words from a well known IBM AIX developer, Nigel Griffiths. A part of his opinion is quoted here, just to be sure it doesn't get lost over the time:

You also need that SWMA (Software Maintenance Agreement) and its details to get access - of course, downloading updates without a SWMA was illegal (I am not a lawyer but I think that is the correct term) but now you have to prove you have it. This is now in-line with most of the industry - so that is fair enough. I guess we should be grateful to have got away without having to prove we have paid for support for so long!!

Back the FixCentral - I have three concerns:

  1. How is Systems Director going to cope with this? It's Update Manager searches FixCentral for the available updates for HMC, System Firmware, Adapter Firmware, AIX and VIOS and other software. Is that going to stop working? Or perhaps it uses a FixCentral like web machine that will work OK and allow the downloads too. I guess we are about to find out if IBM is showing some joined up thinking here.
  2. The Big Brother attitude (from the book 1984) in the official words I have seen "this is for your own benefit and you are going to like it" - OK, I added that last bit but it claims this will make support better - having downloads without passwords is IMHO the best!
  3. Yet more time wasted getting my update downloads sorted out - currently I have about 80 passwords to remember - any one else remember those dreams long ago in the computer industry of single-sign-on? I guess the grand-children might sort that one out with chips implanted at birth or something!

This all kicks off on Saturday 12th to Sunday 13th Nov 2011, when FixCentral will be down for this update - we live in "interesting times".

Perhaps, I will download the latest updates today!

Magyar nyelven összefoglalva:

Vasárnaptól az IBM update-eket - többek között az AIX patcheket is - a többi nagy Unix vendor (Sun-Oracle, HP) gyakorlatának megfelelően csak a szerződéssel rendelkező ügyfelek számára teszi elérhetővé.

A Fix Central oldalon már most kint van egy figyelmeztetés (Google Translate, de többet nem is ér):

"Üdvözöljük az IBM Fix Central. Ez emlékeztetni, hogy bármilyen szervezet nevében eljáró akivel elérésével az anyagot a weboldalon keresztül elérhető beleegyezett, hogy a feltételeket korábban a licencszerződést használatát szabályozó a Programból, és minden szoftver kódot, mintákat, frissítések és javítások ezekhez (együttesen a "Code"). csak rá kell telepíteni vagy használni a hivatalos kódex a programot, amelyre van érvényes engedély vagy igazolás jogosultság, adott esetben."

Illetve bent az oldalon látható, hogy szombatról vasárnapra le is áll az egész, nyilván akkor upgrade-elnek egy csomó WebSphere alkalmazást a site alatt...

Gondolataim angolról lefordítva:

"Mi ez a nagy felhajtás? Az IBM volt az utolsó kereskedelmi Unix gyártó, amely bevezette ezt a korlátozást, és mi ("AIX community") nem számítottunk erre a változásra. Hogy őszinte legyek, ez nem egy komoly probléma a ügyfelek, mint például a cégünk számára. Ami igazán szomorú, hogy az IBM ezzel elveszíti azt a (viszonylag) liberális, barátságos, nyitott gondolkodású megközelítést, amelyet a termékek frissítésével kapcsolatban eddig tanúsított. Ezzel egyre közelebb kerül a fent említett többi vendorhoz ebből a szempontból."


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