


  • Install bos.cifs_fs.rte from the base AIX media (not included in the base install)
  • Reboot (!)
  • Check availability of the SMB special device
$ lsdev -l nsmb0 -F status

Configuration and management

Mount a server share:

# mount -v cifs -n hostname/user/password remote_service /local_mount_point

Make sure you use the service name as defined in smb.conf.

List remote shares anonymously:

$ smbclient [ -s /path/to/smb.conf ] -N -L <servername>
Anonymous login successful
Domain=[AIX] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.3.4]
        Sharename       Type      Comment
        ---------       ----      -------
        IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (samba@myhost)
Anonymous login successful
Domain=[AIX] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.3.4]
        Server               Comment
        ---------            -------
        Workgroup            Master
        ---------            -------

Disable anonymous access (smb.conf):

restrict anonymous = 2

The effect:

$ smbclient -N -L localhost
Anonymous login successful
Domain=[AIX] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.3.4]
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

If 'browseable = no' is set, you cannot list shares anyway...

A sample smb.conf

#======================= Global Settings =====================================
workgroup = AIX
server string = samba@myhost
security = user
log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
max log size = 500
passdb backend = tdbsam
local master = yes
domain master = no
preferred master = no
restrict anonymous = 2
# Uncomment this if you want a guest account, you must add this to /etc/passwd
# otherwise the user "nobody" is used
;  guest account = pcguest
;   hosts allow = 192.168.1. 192.168.2. 127.
;   interfaces =
#============================ Share Definitions ==============================
;   comment = Home Directories
;   browseable = no
;   writable = yes
   path = /data/shared/smb/test
   browseable = no
   public = yes
   only guest = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no
   guest ok = yes

See also

rc.samba, a simple rc script for smbd