IBM IntelliStation POWER 285

Information about IBM's last model of the POWER workstation line

General information

This is a workstation derived from the IBM POWER5 520 rackmount server, with a single SCSI controller and a non-redundant PSU made by Artesyn.

Power consumption: ~50W (powered off, FSP standby), ~300W (AIX running) - with my configuration, 2 disks.


Logical architecture from the IBM IntelliStation POWER 285 Technical Overview and Introduction Redpaper


The graphics adapter is an IBM GXT6500p, seen as moj0 in AIX. It provides the lft0 graphical terminal device.

# lscfg -vpl moj0
  moj0             U787F.001.DNZ0GGY-P1-C4-T1  GXT6500P Graphics Adapter
        Hardware Location Code......U787F.001.DNZ0GGY-P1-C4-T1
  Name:  display
    Node:  display@1
    Physical Location: U787F.001.DNZ0GGY-P1-C4-T1
      GXT6500P 3D Graphics Adapter:
        EC Level....................H12504
        FRU Number..................00P4473
        Manufacture ID..............IBM97N
        Part Number.................00P4471
        Serial Number...............YL11C5323080
        Displayable Message.........GXT6500P
        ROM Level.(non-alterable)...01
        Device Driver Level.........01
        Diagnostic Level............01
        Hardware Location Code......U787F.001.DNZ0GGY-P1-C4-T1
# lsattr -El moj0
DDC_capable     n              VESA Display Data Channel compliant monitor     False
DDC_digital     1280x1024@60Hz Display resolution and refresh rate             True
DDC_supported   1280x1024@60Hz Display resolution and refresh rate             True
Default         1680x1050@60Hz Display resolution and refresh rate             True
Other           1280x1024@77Hz Display resolution and refresh rate             True
VESA            1280x1024@60Hz Display resolution and refresh rate             True
bus_dfa_start   0xfe000000     Bus memory address                              False
bus_mem_start   0xfdfa0000     Bus memory address                              False
bus_rom_start   0xfdfc0000     Bus memory address                              False
chg_monitortype y              Display type change flag                        False
chg_res_refrate y              Display resolution and refresh rate change flag False
display_id      0x04760000     Physical display ID for adapter                 False
dsp_name        GXT6500P       Display description                             False
intr_level      305            Bus interrupt level                             False
intr_priority   0x4            Interrupt priority                              False
ksr_color1      0x00404040     LFT color lookup table entry                    True
ksr_color3      0x0000FF00     LFT color lookup table entry                    True
monitor_IF      Digital        Display monitor video output type               False
monitor_type    Default        Display type                                    True
scrn_height_mm  284            Screen height in millimeters                    True
scrn_width_mm   356            Screen width in millimeters                     True

Control/Operator panel


A Power push-button

B On/off power symbol

--> Right next to/above it is the FSP reset pinhole. The reset switch is approximately 20mm deep in the panel.

C Type and serial number label

D Function/data display

E Ethernet connector

F Power on light. A blinking light indicates standby power to the unit. A constant light indicates full system power to the unit.

G System attention light

H Decrement

I Enter push-button

J Increment

Control panel functions available on the 285


01 - Display selected IPL type, system operating mode, and IPL speed

02 - Select IPL type, IPL speed override, system operating mode, and firmware mode

04 - Lamp test

20 - System type, model, feature code, and IPL type

Service processor access

Default ASMI IP addresses

HMC1 - netmask gw

HMC2 - netmask gw

Here is the method to access the ASMI via a straight cable connected to any regular PC.

1. Connect the power cord. Wait until the system firmware comes up and the green standby front LED starts to blink.

2. Locate HMC1 Ethernet port on the 285 and plug one end of the Ethernet cable into it.

3. Set another IP address/mask on the PC, next to the ones above.

4. Now plug the Ethernet cord to the PC.

5. Test the connectivity (ping etc)

If the machines are connected before the firmware is up, for some reason only port 443 and 30000 are seen from the PC and the login doesn't work. Following the above method, you should be able to see at least 11 open tcp ports including 21, 23, 80 and 443.

On the firmware level SF240_261, there is http beside https and the ASMI is available at

Port 443/SSL doesn't work, Firefox gives a ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap error.

You have a bunch of other stuff listening including FTP and telnet which lets you login with admin/admin:

lgee@carbo:~> telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
fsp login: admin
No directory, logging in with HOME=/
BusyBox v0.60.4FSP-GA2-2-3 (2005.05.12-02:15+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

This service processor is a 200MHz, 32bit IBM PowerPC 405 powered board, running a Linux 2.4.18-rc4 kernel and BusyBox 0.60. The board has a label with "Alpha SF2+" printed on it.

"This product contains certain code packages which may be, or contain programs that are, licensed pursuant to the terms of the GNU General Public License (“GPL”) and/or the GNU Lesser General Public License (“LGPL”)." ... "The code packages that contain programs that are licensed under the GPL or LGPL include: bash, busybox, dhcpd, E2fsprogs, gdbm, glib, glibc, ipchains, iptables, kernel, libelf, mcore, modutils, net-tools, nfs-utils, ps, softdog, syslogd, sysvinit, termcap, tinylogin, util-linux." ... "Note: Source code to any of the above-listed packages is available upon written request to the following address: IBM Corporation, Linux Technology Center, Dep’t 7UDA, 11501 Burnett Road, Austin, TX 78758."

Machine information from ASMI

The VPD includes identifiers for each piece of hardware. The AIX 'lsvpd' command or 'lscfg' may be used to display similar info from the OS. For example, MS are the RAM modules.

"Before the service processor knows what system it resides on, it reads the SmartChip VPD to obtain system information."

Vital Product Data

Build name: fips240/b0918a_0623.240

System brand: P0

System serial number: 65661FB

Machine type-model: 9111-285

CoD stands for Capacity on Demand, the management of optional extra features controlled through the firmware. These have separate activation licenses.

The machine must be in firmware standby or powered on status to access CoD information.

CoD Capability Settings

Capability bit information Capability bit status/count

0 AIX allowed (license needed) False

1 AIX allowed (license not needed) True

2 RPA I/O hosting False

3 AIX diagnostics True

4 Subprocessor partitioning False

5 LPAR creation allowed True

6 3D work-station graphics card OK True

7 External GX busses OK False

8 i5/OS partitions allowed False

9 Limit the number of i5/OS processors allowed False

10 Reserved False

11 100% interactive False

12 Memory bandwidth False

16 Hyperboot capability False

31 HV I/O allowed True

32 Number of 5250 users 0

Capability bits which are not displayed are reserved bits.

In the above, 'Subprocessor partitioning = False' shows that APV (Advanced POWER Virtualization) is not activated in the firmware on this machine.

Serial ports

The ports have a default baud rate of 19200, the rest is standard (8/N/1).

The service processor menus are available via serial when the system is powered off.

Machine type-model: 9111-285
Serial number: 65661FB
Date: 2012-8-30
Time: 15:51:12
Service Processor: Primary
User ID: admin
Password: *****
Number of columns [80-255, Currently: 80]: 
Number of lines [24-255, Currently: 24]: 
System name: Server-9111-285-SN65661FB
Version: SF240_417
User: admin
Copyright © 2002-2012 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved.
 1. Power/Restart Control
 2. System Service Aids
 3. System Information
 4. System Configuration
 5. Network Services
 6. Performance Setup
 7. On Demand Utilities
 8. Concurrent Maintenance
 9. Login Profile
99. Log out


The system has had SF240_261 from 2006, and the newest level is SF240_417, released in February... you can imagine there are quite a few fixes and improvements in it :) I'm planning to do an upgrade soon This is now done (27 Aug 2012, 01:00 CEST) - thanks to the POWER5 design, the firmware has now two 'sides' which means you can always revert to the old version as necessary.

Direct download and revision history in the corresponding files here at IBM's FTP site.

Update considerations

  • Always read the instructions in the HTML document first.
  • Firmware Update Policy in the ASMI should be set to 'Operating system' if you want to use AIX for the update.
  • Bear in mind that both sides should be the same before upgrading (temporary side must be committed to the permanent side).
  • The update can be non-disruptive (concurrent), ie. not requiring reboot between certain levels.
  • There are a few other components that have their own firmware, including adapters and disks. (lsmcode -A)
  • "If the system hangs on CA2799FF (it is NOT alternating with CA2799FD), power off the system and reboot from the permanent side. Reject the image on the temporary side."

Update process

Extract the binary firmware from the RPM and put it on the machine. I used the classic directory /tmp/fwupdate which must be created first. The filename is probably your choice, I adhered to the standard .bin extension to avoid confusion.

# /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/update_flash -f /tmp/fwupdate/01SF240_417_382.bin
The image is valid and would update the temporary image to SF240_417.
The new firmware level for the permanent image would be SF240_261.
The current permanent system firmware image is SF240_261.
The current temporary system firmware image is SF240_261.
***** WARNING: Continuing will reboot the system! *****
Do you wish to continue?
Enter 1=Yes or 2=No

A normal shutdown takes part here. In the above example, you can see that not only the new but the old code level is also displayed for both parts of the NVRAM.

While the firmware update is in progress, you can see the LED codes CA2799FF and CA2799FD alternating on the op panel. The machine stays powered on.

Progress timing

00:41:15 OS shutdown

00:52:43 flashing done, C1222000: "IPL transition"

00:54:07 green LED goes off and firmware boot begins, C1001020: "Pre-standby"

00:55:40 high level hardware tests, C100C1D1: "Power control", fans spin up/down

00:58:01 SMS menu and searching for boot image

Confirmation of the successful firmware update

# lsmcode -r
system:SF240_417 (t) SF240_261 (p) SF240_417 (t)

Committing the temporary side to permanent

Warning: this step cannot be undone.

# /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/update_flash -c

SMS menu

 PowerPC Firmware
 Version SF240_417
 LKM 1.6 (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000,2005 All rights reserved.
 Language Keyboard Selection Menu
 Current Language :  ISO8859-1 English (United States)
 Current Keyboard :  English    (United States)       #103P
 1.   Change Language
 2.   Change Keyboard
 3.   Continue to Password Entry
 Type menu item number and press Enter:

Acronyms, terminology

DPO - Delayed Power Off

FPO - Fast Power Off

FSP - Flexible Service Processor

System parts

From the Systems Hardware Information Center

Excluded are:

  • Less specific parts: cables, input devices
  • Rarely used and found parts: diagnostic plugs, fillers
  • SCSI disks (there are tons of FRUs)

The list is not guaranteed to be accurate.

Backplanes, CEC, chassis

[1] IBM term: system backplane

Drives, adapter cards



Announced: 2005/10/04

Available: 2005/10/14

Marketing Withdrawn: 2009/01/02

Price (source: ITJungle)

"A base AIX Express Edition of this workstation, which comes with a single 1.9 GHz core activated, 2 GB of main memory, and a no-charge processor entitlement costs $8,999. Adding a second processor core (but not AIX on the second processor) and boosting the main memory to 4 GB and the disk count to two 73 GB drives raises the price to $16,103."

Temporary notes

for myself for accessing the installed OS via network directly from my Linux laptop's Ethernet adapter using a host route....

sudo modprobe e1000e

sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up

sudo route add -host eth0

and the ASMI:

sudo modprobe e1000e

sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up


Official IBM documentation

Family 9111+02 IBM IntelliStation Power 285 Workstation

Systems Hardware information - 9111-285 (IntelliStation 285)

Systems Hardware information - Model 52x or IBM® IntelliStation® POWER® 285 features and parts

IBM Redbooks - IBM IntelliStation POWER 285 Technical Overview and Introduction

(CAxx) Partition firmware progress codes / POWER5


Linux on POWER - an article about the FSP and Linux installation on the 285 by Anton Borisov