xlC general notes

Information I'm collecting about the IBM XL C/C++ Compiler for Power


Program/part numbers

See Component IDs

Licensing questions

FAQs for IBM Compiler Licensing on AIX and Linux on Power

Software version: 10.1, 11.1, 12.1

Operating system(s): AIX

Software edition: All Editions

Reference #: 1642903

Modified date: 2013-09-27

There are two types of licenses available: Authorized User and Concurrent User.

An Authorized User license is required for each person who will be using the compiler. For example, if one lists all of the people who will be using the compiler, and there are ten names on the list, then 10 Authorized User licenses would be required.

A Concurrent User license can be shared amongst users and across machines. The number of Concurrent User licenses required is equal to the maximum number of users who are using the compiler at the same time. For example, if there are 10 users, but the maximum number of users who are using the compiler at the same time is 3, then 3 Concurrent User licenses will be required.


The IBM Compiler products for AIX and Linux on Power are licensed per user, not per system.

GC14-7329-00 IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, V12.1 Installation Guide, Version 12.1 (PDF)

If you have a previous version of the compiler, you can replace it with the current version. You can also maintain multiple versions of the compiler on your system.

README.C provided with the installation package

An authorized user is an individual or specific named user authorized to have access to the program or any portion of the program.

The Proof of Entitlement for this program is evidence of your authorization.

Each individual or specific named user must obtain a Proof of Entitlement.

Compile issues

gettext - AIX - include_next

