VirtualBox USB "Failed to start..."

Post date: Aug 16, 2011 8:17:21 PM

Ez az update hozta elo: virtualbox 4.0.4-1.6.1 -> 4.0.12-0.2.1 (arch:x86_64)

A hiba leirasa

"Failed to start the virtual machine foobar. Implementation of the USB 2.0 controller not found! Because the USB 2.0 controller state is part of the saved VM state, the VM cannot be started. To fix this problem, either install the 'Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack' or disable USB 2.0 support in the VM settings (VERR_NOT_FOUND).

Unknown error creating VM (VERR_NOT_FOUND)."

VirtualBox bugreport

Erdemes a kommenteket is elolvasni, ugy tunik, van openSUSE vonzata is...

Gyors megoldas

$ vi .VirtualBox/Machines/foobar/foobar.xml

true-rol false-ra:

<       <USBController enabled="true" enabledEhci="true"/>
>       <USBController enabled="true" enabledEhci="false"/>

Hadd emlitsem meg meg az alabbi kis szepseghibat is: az update soran eltunt a chromium a PATH-bol... pontosabban a /usr/bin/chromium shell script hianyzik, de a binarist kozvetlenul futtatva persze elindul. Chromium x86_64 15.0 dev build a Contrib repobol.