The welcome screen

When launching the program, the screen shows:

    • a button "Plus"at screen bottom,
    • a list of saved projects (name and edition) in private and public program external memory.

When you click "Plus" button, a proposed name for the project is displayed, you can modify it, and clicking "Ok", a new project is created and the project edit screen is displayed.

When a saved project is selected, action bar commands allow:

  • to open the project after displaying an outline of its content,
  • to display an outline of the project content,
  • to delete the project data file,
  • to export the project, transferring project data file to another mobile application,
  • to transfer the project data file between private external memory and public external memory.

The open command is also automatically launched when you select the project touching at center or right of line.

Finally, the option menu contains commands:

  • Help (), which display this help,