
The program objective is to enable you to plan your projects on your mobile phone or your tablet, and so always have it with you and can immediately see the consequences of problems during the course of the project.

It was specially designed for short duration projects (a few days) with limited size (some dozens of tasks).

It was also specifically designed for a phone, the mandatory information is minimized and filled by default. But it nevertheless allows to completely plan a project.

In addition fields have been provided to allow you to record other information.

The main objective was to simplify data entry and to clearly present the results. No compatibility with other project management software has been sought. I introduced concepts that are found rarely in other programs such as the essential tasks and events distinct of tasks.

To simplify the definition of the calendar, you will find a mechanism for taking account of holidays that I have not seen in other software.

More, save and export functions allow to save data and results (as pdf files) on your mobile, other processors or in "cloud".

For Android 6 and higher users, a chapter presents the management of access permissions for public memory.

You will find in the program help: