
The export can be called from a contact list or from displaying a contact.

A selection box is displayed when starting, and may be displayed again on demand, it allows to choose between thre options:

  • the contact list or the contact,
  • the contact list or the contact, with all contacts linked to them by family links, directly or indirectly,
  • all the contacts having family links or personal information.

The selection box allows also to modify the name proposed for the save file, and to choose to include or not photos. Indeed the presence of the photo multiplies by about 10 the size of the backup of a contact, and can lead to large files while it is not always interesting.

A click on OK launches the selection saving in a private memory file.

The screen contains a header,with at starting a button displaying the save icon, and a list.

When a save file has been created and not deleted, the header shows this file name, and a menu icon replace the save icon.

By touching the menu icon, a popup menu will appear, allowing you to preview the file, display again the selection box, rename the file, delete it, transfer it between program public and private extended memory, or send it to an application that supports "vcf" files , after selecting from a list if you have several on your mobile (eg Google Drive, Gmail ...).

The list contains the names of the "vcf" files found in mobile, ranked by program private extended memory, program public extended memory and other public vcf files.

By touching a file name or end of line menu icon, you will have the same functions for the relevant file (except display again selection). The file that was just created appear in this list, and you can change it at this level, the changes will be reported in the header. However, for other "vcf" files that are neither in private nor in the public program memory, you can not transfer them in extended memory.