Searching contact

Contact searching can be called to find a contact to display, to search a contact for a family link or to find a contact to add to a group.

The screen contains a title with the type of research, two edit boxes, one for the first names and one for family name, and a list of contact names.

Initially the edit boxes may be empty or filled following the type of research. If at least one of the zones is not empty, the list displays the names of contacts whose family names or first names start with the contents of the corresponding zone. If the two areas are non-empty, then the family name and first names must begin with the contents of the corresponding zone.

However in the case of research for a group or family link, are excluded from the list the contacts that can not be selected:

    • for a family link the link origin contact and its existing family link,
    • for a group, contacts already members of the group and contacts not having an elementary contact in the group account.

Also in the case of search for a group or a family link, you will have at the end of each line an OK icon. If the line is the desired contact, touching this icon the contact will be selected. If you have doubts, you can touch the contact name and so display its information, and OK icon will appear in the header, by touching the icon the contact is selected, and making back without touching the icon returns to the research.