Marienbad plus help


Marienbad matches is a strategy game which is played by two persons, spreading on a table 16 matches in 4 rows ( 7, 5, 3 and 1 matches). Players must take one after other one or several matches in one row, and the player who takes the last one is the loser (see the game rule).

It belong to Nim strategy games and was popularized in 1961 by the film "Last year at Marienbad". There are many variations of this game, this program retains by default the variant played in the film, but thanks to preferences you can change the number of matches and even decide that the one who takes the last match is the winner.

Two persons may play, or you may play alone, second player game being done by an automate operated by the program.

It is a brain game, analyzing situation you may develop a strategy which allows you to win or gives you chances to win.

Marienbad plus application is an application without publicity which gives you all Marienbad application functions and supplementary functions:

  • displaying the time spent by each player to play,
  • possibility to limit this time, the first player that exceeds is declared the loser,
  • definition of more than two players names,
  • registration for each player of his record time to beat the automate, for each initial configuration of matches,
  • displaying and management of records.

Help content:

The game rule

The program

The game screen

The preferences screen

The records screen


Using binary algebra