The results screens

In addition to the main screen, five screens present summary information about the project: Workloads, Dependencies, Gantt, Margins, Responsibles.

The Workloads screen provides a list showing day by day workloads for essential tasks and all tasks, assuming the workload of each task uniformly distributed over the working hours of the task. The results are only meaningful if the latter condition is nearly fulfilled and workloads have been filled for each task.

The Dependencies screen shows dependencies between tasks, groups and events. Each task, group or event is shown as a rectangle, red (critical), green (essential) or blue (ancillary), with name inside and an analog color stroke surrounds each group and its members. More for each link an arrow show dependence. These links are black if there is a margin for the link, red if there is no margin, and purple if the constraint is overpassed (negative margin).

The Gantt screen presents a Gantt chart of project tasks, groups and events. They are listed on the left of the screen, with at the right the calendar and horaries, the indication in gray for not worked periods, for each task a rectangle showing the beginning and end, for each group a bar with triangles showing beginning and ending, and for each event and a small diamond showing the date and hour . A color code allows to show the tasks on the critical path (red), and distinguish other essential items (green) and ancillary items (blue). More for each link an arrow show dependence.

For Dependancies et Gantt diagrams, a zoom command allows to increase or decrease diagram size (zoom factor between ¼ and 4). If the diagram is larger than the screen, you can scroll it horizontally or vertically. Command can be done with buttons at screen bottom or with two fingers.

The Margins screen presents for all essential items free margin and total margin in working hours and minutes.

The Responsibles screen indicates for each task the content of the Responsible field and workload. This screen is only useful when these data were filled in the tasks.