Managing tree lists and displaying, saving or restoring screens

Displaying screens allow to show or modify data (day, week, month, data content , preferences, periodicals, settings).

Displaying, saving and PDF creation screen and restoring screens are organized around a headband and a tree list.

Each screen also allow other commands by the action bar or menu.


Displaying screens of day, week or month have a headband with icons < and > which indicates that you can move to the previous or next by a slide movement

Managing tree lists

These lists provide information on one or two levels. Each input can be collapsed ( details are abbreviated if they do not fit on one line) or expanded ( the information can be multiple lines ) by touching on left of entry. In addition for the first level, the second level entries that follow are hidden in the collapsed state and shown in the expanded state.

Action bar and commands

For all displaying screens, when a line is selected, if there is some possible command, an action bar appears with commands authorized for this line.

If selection is done touching at left of the line; program wait for user selecting an action or doing back that deselect line.

If selection is done touching at line middle:

- if entry has states collapsed and expanded, it is expanded if it was collapsed and vice versa,

- elsewhere if there is a main command defined for the line, it is automatically launched.

Displaying tasks and events, periodicals, preferences and settings

These screens have at bottom right a floating button "OK".

These changes are only saved if you click on this button. If you do "Back" without clicking on it , they are canceled.