The preferences screen

This screen allows to modify selected preferences sets, and to create or delete preferences sets.

When first using, a preferences set is created with a default name and default options. The toolbar + button add a preferences set initialized with default options, and with a default name. If you have several preferences sets, you may delete some.

A spinner allows to select a preferences set, display its content and change :

  • the preferences set name,
    • the number of heaps and the initial content of each heap,
    • the maximum number of objects removable at each stroke,
    • the end game option: the one who gets the last object loses (option called "misère") or wins (option called "normale"),
    • the name given to objects (default is "bricks").

The screen bottom toolbar allows, for selected preferences set, to save changes, to cancel them, to reset to defaults (except name), and to delete it (after confirming).