Basic Concepts: Project, Task, Group, Event

1 - Project

A project is characterized by:

    • a project name,
    • a start date and hour of project,
    • a list of tasks, groups and events,
    • calendar information (days not worked or worked by exception).

Also some information fields can be filled (Content, Responsible).

The other project data are calculated from the characteristics and their evolution.

2 - Task

A task is characterized by:

    • a task name,
    • a duration in hours and parts of hour,
    • the option essential or ancillary,
    • links with other items (tasks, groups and events).

To follow the realization of the project, it may also be defined a fixed start date and hour and a fixed end date and hour (when the start was set).

Also other information fields can be filled: Workload, Content, Responsible, Realization ratio.

Other data are computed from project data.

Links with other items are links of task start to predecessor end with possibly a delay. An essential task can only have as predecessor essential items.

Delays are in hours and parts of hour, they may be work time or elapsed time.

3 - Group

A group is characterized by:

    • a group name,
  • the option essential or ancillary,
  • the tasks and events member of group,
  • the links with other items, like for tasks.

An essential group can only have essential members, and an ancillary group can only have ancillary members.

It is also possible to define a fixed date and hour for it, only a group which has a fixed date and hout may have as members tasks having fixed begin or events having fixed date and hour, and members fixed dates and hours must be after group fixed date and hour.

It is also possible to fill the same information fields as for tasks. Other data are computed from project data.

4 - Event

An event is characterized by:

    • a name,
    • the option essential or ancillary,
    • the links with other items, like for tasks.

It is also possible to define a date and hour for it, and fill the same information fields as for tasks. Other data are computed from project data.