Day planning (in english)

Manage each of your days as a project and let your phone calculate your planning or your team planning. You have simply enter the planned activities (tasks), their order and duration, your phone will calculate your schedule and margins for each activity and may present it to you in several ways: sorted lists, Gantt chart, dependencies diagram, week or month synthesis...

But you can also fix the time of some tasks, add events and notes, add additional links between tasks and events ... and then define tasks that follow, overlap, or are conducted in parallel ...

And as your day activities do not always end before midnight, they may extend into the night or the next morning, you can manage 36 hours days!

You may also define periodic tasks and events which will placed at a defined time with a defined priodicity, and you may able to update each occurence.

The tasks of each day will be handled with the project management techniques, you have the margins trcalculation, the critical path, the Gantt chart and a dependencies diagram.

All data entered will be stored in a database, and you can view summaries by day, month and overall. This is not a traditional calendar, but you can also use it as calendar if you have to handle parallelism or nightlife ...

Examining the program and its help you will see many other features: automatic management of tasks chaining, the definition of types of tasks with a color code, the ability to check or disable a task, the definition of day labels and repetitive rest days ...

And save and restore functions will allow to not lose all data in case of problem or to transfer them to another phone.

New in Version 2.0

Possibility to define periodic tasks and events.

New screen for a week with the possibility of week notes, and updating other screens to select a week, to command the display of a week and display the week notes.

Possibility to choose his line height for lists.

Entering commands more clear and more easy: marking the selected line, highter size of entries, set on 2 levels when possible commands are numerous.

Improvement of many screens and panels to make them clearer and easier to use: day or month screens, panels for entry of hours, times and dates...

New in version 3.0

Save and restore functions.

Redesign of tree lists and associated commands management, indicating available commands by icons, separing expand collapse commands (touch on left icon), main command (touch about middle) and endline command or menu (touch on right icon).

Modifying screens allowing direct modification of parameters.

New in version 3.1

Adding PDF files creation for a day with its graphics, a month or a week.

Redesign of editing screens in order that inputting and changing data will be more easy.

Adding two fingers zoom command for graphics.

Adapting screens presentation for large screen mobiles and tablets.

Problems correction.