Awale classic help


The Awale is an old African strategy game that is played with 2. It is known by many names depending on the region: Awale, Awari, Oware, Ayo, Golem ... It is played with a game board containing 12 squares and 48 seeds. Each player has 6 squares in front of him containing 4 seeds initially.

Players must in turn pick all the seeds of one of their squares and distribute them one by one on the following squares, their squares then those of their opponent. If a player puts the last seed in an opponent square and this squares contains 2 or 3 seeds, then he may pick up seeds.

The game continues until all the seeds are picked. The winner is the one who picked the most seeds, but there may be a draw if both players have the same number of seeds at the end.

For maximum realism, you will not see on your screen seed counts of squares, but images of a game handmade with seeds. As in a real game you can easily find squares seeds counts when their number is limited, but not when there are many. However, for players who prefer to see the counts displayed, an option and a command allow to display the accounts in full or part.

If you play in landscape mode, the game screen will look like a real game. By cons, if you prefer to play in portrait mode the squares will be placed to keep better in the screen.

The game rules are accurately detailed thereafter. There are many variants of these rules according to where the game is played. We took as a basis the rules said Côte d'Ivoire rules and called "Abapa" that seem most used, and we have added options to play with slightly different rules, hoping that it will allow players to play with rules which they are accustomed.

Finish a game is not always easy, some matches could last indefinitely with some remaining seeds without much interest. That's why you have a number of options to end a game.

A preferences screen allows you to choose these options and some additional options.

You can play two or alone, the game of the second player is then made by an automate managed by the program. You can choose through preferences the automate level from the most basic (1) to the more sophisticated (7). Warning automate make calculations to choose its stroke and their duration varies exponentially with the level. Till level 3 or 4 he makes his calculations during the execution of the opponent's stroke and you'll rarely wait. For higher levels you will have to wait a few seconds to tens of seconds depending on the performance of your phone.

This is a puzzle game, analyzing the situation you can develop a strategy that gives you a chance to win. However there is no simple methods to develop this strategy, and we will limit ourselves to a few games tips for beginners.

Help content:

The game rules

The program

The game screen

The preferences screen

The players list screen
