The project editing screen

The tree list provides general information about project:

  • the project name,
  • the edition number and date,
  • the project begin date,
  • the project end date, or the essential and total end dates if they are not the same,
  • the estimated duration in weeks, and a warning message if project duration overpass estimated duration,
  • project content, when it has been filled,
  • project calendar information classified by categories (not worked weekdays, not worked annual days...),
  • work periods.

When a line is selected (name, begin time, estimated duration, content, calendar information, work period), action bar commands allow to change data, and to delete line if it is authorized (content, calendar information, work period).

The options menu allows:

  • to add a content, the text must not be leaved blank to be taken in account,
  • to add calendar information (not worked day or range, exceptionally worked date),
  • to add a work period,
  • to reset calendar from one of existing defaults (FR, GB, US, other) or from preferences calendar,
  • to reset the edition number after confirming (it is recommended then to modify also the project name to avoid problems when saving),
  • to call Help.