Marienbad plus (in english)

Marienbad matches is a strategy game which is played by two persons, spreading on a table 16 matches in 4 rows ( 7, 5, 3 and 1 matches). Players must take one after other one or several matches in one row, and the player who takes the last one is the loser. It is a four heaps Nim game.

Marienbad plus take again all functions of Marienbad application which allows to play this game, alone or by two, adding some supplementary functions.

It is an android software without publicity, available on Google Play for a minimum amount.

You play in the same way as with Marienbad application, and you may also find winning strategies by computing. You will find explications in help provided with the game and in the document "Searching winning strokes".

However you will have supplementary functions:

  • displaying the time spent by each player to play,
  • possibility to limit this time, the first player that exceeds is declared the loser,
  • definition of more than two players names,
  • registration for each player of his record time to beat the automate, for each initial configuration of matches,
  • displaying and management of records.

More user interfaces are using new android functions (action bar, Holo type themes).

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