The preferences screen

Preference options

This screen allows to modify selected preferences sets, and to create or delete preferences sets.

When first using, a preferences set is created with a default name and default options. The toolbar + button add a preferences set initialized with default options, and with a default name. If you have several preferences sets, you may delete some.

A spinner allows to select a preferences set, display its content and change:

  • the preferences set name,
  • the number of pickable squares for a stroke between 1 and 6 (default 6),
  • the number of seeds at most for end of the game between 1 and 12 (default 6),
  • the automate level between 1 and 6 (default 4),
  • the option not to pick up if more than the maximum pickable squares (default false),
  • the option pick up only when there are two seeds (default false),
  • the option endgame when player has more than half of the seeds (default false),
  • the option equal distribution of remains (default true),
  • the option stop when cycling detected (default true),
  • the option always show all counts (default false),
  • players squares initialization (default 4 seeds in all squares).

Preference changes

For an option with true or false values, check or uncheck endline box.

For a count, press on plus or minus buttons of the entry to modify it.

For name and squares initializations, touch entry edition box to do appear the keyboard, then modify with keyboard.

Squares initialization

For player squares initialization you must enter a field of 6 characters (you can enter a shorter field, the last character will be repeated to complete, eg 4 gives 444444), each character corresponds to the number of seeds of square in extended hexadecimal encoding (numbers 0 to 9 for the numbers 0 to 9 and letters A to F for numbers 10 to 15, then the following letters from G to N for numbers 16 to 23),

there are three limitations: the squares can not have more than 23 seeds, a player can not have all squares with 0, and the total seeds amount must be less than 100.

This mechanism was set up initially to test the software, but it seemed useful to let for users (especially since it is easy to return to the standard initialization, simply put initialization options to 4):

* It can help to put the game in a particular situation to replay a sequence, consider a strategy ...

* It can be used to vary the game by starting from different initializations.

Saving the changes

The screen bottom toolbar allows, for selected preferences set, to save changes, to cancel them, to reset to defaults (except name), and to delete it (after confirming).


Toolbar buttons allow you to display the help screen and to add a preferences set (if current set has no changes unsaved).