General Principles

1 - Tasks and Events

A task represents an activity to perform and has a non-zero duration.

Unlike tasks, events does not represent work and have no duration. They can represent steps of the day (eg day start), important times to show in the schedule, or be intermediates in the definition of the links between tasks.

The events does not represent work and are transparent in the margin calculations, their possible movements are not taken into account. However if you have defined a fixed time their margins are calculated to do not move the fixed time.

2 - Chaining links and static links

We can define two kinds of links between tasks and events:

    • chaining links,
    • static links.

When introducing a task (or event) after another task (or event) the program creates a chaining link in order than this task begins after the end of the previous one. We can thus create a chain of tasks for the day or part of the day. Chaining links are changed automatically if a task (or event) is added or deleted or if it is removed from the chain so as not to break the chain.

Static links can only be changed by the user. Only one type of link has been selected, the link said start to end: a task should start after end of another task called predecessor.

The program allows you to have for a task (or event) as many static links that you want. In the contrary you can only have one chaining link.

For more flexibility you can set a delay, positive or negative, for each link, this allows to have minima delays between tasks or to overlap.

3 - Periodic tasks and events

It is possible to define tasks or events that repeat with a defined frequency (eg every day, every week ...).

For these tasks and events are defined periodicity, the start date and end date.

Every day between the start and stop dates corresponding to periodicity, an instance of the periodic task or event will be created. We can for this instance add orchange parameters such as on other tasks or events.

Every day an instance of periodic event is created, the Day start event . You will add your tasks and events after this event.