Exporting results


Export functions also allow you to export the main results of a project as a "pdf" or a "csv" file.

As for project data files, program does not take in account "case" in file names, and forbid the same characters.

Csv files are limited to ISO-8859-1said Latin1 character set. Pdf files use a more extended character set.

You have the same options as for exporting data :

PDF file content

The PDF file content can be selected when created between following:

PDF files characters sets

Character set is the mobile default character set. 

Csv file content

Csv file is foreseen for opening in a classic spreadsheet for  layout, and printing or copying a document.

This file contains six header lines: project name, edition number and date, project begin date, project essential end date, project total end date, total number of tasks, groups and events.

This header is followed by a blank line, a line of column labels  and one row per item (task or event) giving the name of the item, begin date, end date (empty for events), free and total margins (empty for non-essential) and the item type.

The item  type  includes a bigram possibly prefixed. Bigrams are ET (essential task), CT (critical task - essential with zero total margin), EG (essential group), EE (essential event), AT (ancillary task), AG (ancillary group), AE (ancillary event). The prefix is ​​T if the task is fixed end, and F if the task or the group is fixed for begin but not for end (in task case) or the event has fixed date.

Date formats

The practice in matter of date formats vary with the country. The program uses the short date formats defined by Android for country and langage selected on the mobile.

For csv files, to allow to choose the date format and even perform calculations on dates, dates are given in two forms: the text form indicated upper (recognized as date in some spreadsheets and as text in other), and a numeric date (number of days from 31 December 1899 -  spreadsheets usual convention), and, formatting the spreadsheet cells, you may choose your date format.

Character set for csv files

For users who use accented letters, the file is encoded according to the ISO-8859-1 said Latin1. This should allow western users to have their  characters after transmission by e-mail (for english speaking users who use only basic ASCII characters, character set does not matter).