The game screen

Game screen shows you the heaps, the name of the player whose turn it is to play, and some buttons.

To select objects to remove, select a heap with a nonzero number of objects, a panel appears with the number of objects to remove (1 at beginning) and buttons to increment or decrement the account to the extent possible and authorized. The “Play" button is enabled. Select this button, objects to remove are removed and the player name is changed.

But before selecting the "Play" button you can change the count to be removed with the increment or decrement buttons, or select another heap with a nonzero number of objects. The "Play" button will be enabled when the account to be removed will not be zero.

f you play alone against the automate, you will see then the automate to choose its objects and remove them, and it will be your turn again.

If the automate is the first player, you will see a "Begin" button at the start of the game, and when you select this button the automate will play his first stroke.

The button undo the last stroke recursively, and the button redo recursively these undone strokes. When after undo or redo, it is the turn of the automate to play, you have to select "Continue" in order that automate play (or make another undo or redo).

By toolbar buttons, you can reset the game board, and display the help screen or the worksheet of the player whose it is the turn.