Women Winning the Vote, 95th Anniversary.

Post date: Aug 27, 2015 5:33:29 AM

From the desk of the Editor,Founder & President of csaccac;Raised by women with the help of a few men, I understand the importance and power of women voters. As a women voter, I put voting at the top of my to-do-list, especially when there is a general election within the community where I reside. For the most part, I make every effort to show up and cast a vote during a general election, and I want to encourage you to do the same. Today it stills hold true that one vote has the power to make a difference, this became evident in 2008 election of the first African American President. A product of a public school education, where I had been surrounded by educated and professional women taught at a young age the importance of voting, I continue to exercise the right to vote at fort-something. As a matter of fact, when I received and read the theme for NWHP 2015, I knew that I had to speak of the impact, influence, and significance of Women Winning the Vote. Women for most of my life and well into adulthood has strongly influenced the choices Ive chosen throughout the years from educators, to managers, to nurses, to doctors, to elected officials such as women State Representatives, Senators and Congress Women, the position that many of these women hold today is impart to the Women’s Right of Suffrage Movement which ultimately lead to Women Winning the Vote. It is importance that women continue carry out the tradition of voting, a tradition that so many women bravely stood up after realizing that an inequality existed then gallantly took action by holding conferences, meetings, and protest in an effort to make women’s right to vote, a universal right, a right to be honored by both States and the Government. Women voters strongly influences other women to vote often through encouragement and empowerment, the right to vote is a right women, all registered women voters should exercise. An example of the impact Women Winning the Vote is evident through the many opportunities generated for women as result of the Women’s Right of Suffrage Movement. Business women from all walks of life has been either impacted or influence during their career by the Women’s Right of Suffrage either at the start of their journey to becoming a successful business or in transition either way business women continue thrive from the efforts of Women Winning the Vote. The significance of Women Winning the Vote, and one of the main reason women must continue to women is the movement lead way to other rights and opportunities for women. On final note, for women to continue to progress forward to a brighter future in the business world, in government, and abroad as well as to continue make ground breaking strides where men dominate then women voters must continue to exercise their right to vote. On the 95th Anniversary of Women Winning the Women, I encourage women (American Citizens) to exercise the right to vote and encourage other women to register to vote, to be a proud voter, a historical fact, it’s a hard fought right, so make sure you exercise your right to vote.


Founder & President of csaccac Inc;

Jamala M. Johnson