Safety First:Storm Preparedness

Post date: Jun 8, 2013 5:12:43 AM

Typically,summer is the best time for most consumer and shoppers to take a break from their daily routine to relax and regroup from a busy work week routine;however,the truth of the matter is the summer months can prove to be both a de-stressor and dangerous. With only three months of sun and fun,in such a short amount of time__,so much could happen from finding the love of your life,to planning the wedding of your dreams,to visiting a dream vacation spot,the summer months especially for high school and college students often set the tone for their social life. With high expectations for the summer,no one really likes to think about the downside of summer,the dangerous and all too often deadly side of summer,the unpredictable storm systems. Plaintively speaking,the summer is just getting started and the National Ocean and Atmosphere is already predicting an active hurricane season with at least 3 to 6 major storm systems. Originally from Florida,I've lived through several major storm systems. And truthfully speaking,I became accustom to the warmer weather and threats of major storm systems during the summer months. Known to a tanamount of consumer and shoppers as the Sunshine state,Florida has had its share of bad weather. From tornadoes to hurricanes,the unpredictable weather during the summer months is often an inconvenience to beach goers and tourist.Although,Florida has some of the best beaches,vacation spots and has welcomed thousands of visitors and tourist during the summer months,a major storm system could prove to be disastrous and deadly. And like most native Floridians,I love the state for its warmer weather,food,music,and culture;sadly,the reality is the weather doesnt always cooperate or fit into a consumer or shopper's plans.Veritably,from firsthand experience,I know the fear,terror,and uncertainty that a severe weather system often inflicts on communities and all those in its path.As a result of years of preparing for major storm systems,I've observed and learned with the assistance of news media outlets and the National Weather Service several tips,steps,and precautions consumers and should implement during a major storm system. To conclude,I'v listed below a few basic steps to prepare for a major storm,for more information on how to prepare for a major weather system visit your local weather TV channel.

(1)Purchase a flashlight(s) (2)Purchase batteries (3) Get a device to receive weather alerts i.e hand held radio,Smart Phone (4) Have a evacuation plan (5) Purchase bottle water (6) a list of emergency numbers (7) keep important document in a fire safe case.