Editor Note (February 2016)

Post date: Mar 4, 2016 12:00:06 AM

A message from the Editor ,Founder & President of csaccac Inc;

twice the Luv, it's good to back for an all new chat,the topic is Love. I begin with a simple thought,Love_ it is an emotion and feeling that like Gratitude and Thankfulness that transcends beyond a person physical realm,Love touches the heart and mind of a person as well as others, and it all begins with a thought. As far back as a teen, music is one of the muse that I know conjures thoughts of Love along with different emotions and thoughts from day to day when I'm performing different task. In the month of February, I listened to a lot of Old R&B love songs, I went way back to some well known seventies artist and bands. As part of a relaxation process to balance,calm and soothe my mind before starting and completing assignment for each of the classes required for the winter semester,I connected my laptop to the television with HDMI connector and listened to the various artist on Youtube. During the month of February,as I listened to the Old R&B love songs the message of Love seemed to resonated within me, I began to focus on the songs titles and the words of the songs that the music artist wants the listeners to hear as it pertains to Love. A good number of the songs I listened to spoke of Love between a boy and girl,and love in relationships__,each song presented a different side to Love for instance some songs spoke of broken love, hope for love, familiar love,new love, and healing love. One evening while in the back of taxi on my way back to my place of residency after an evening class I arrived to a conclusion actually a revelation, a lot of R&B artist built their career on making love songs and songs about Love, I thought there has to be a reason for the effects that Love songs has on people back-then and now, I went further and thought there has to be a reason that artist chose to make Love songs over any other theme suchas drinking and drugs, or hate and violence which often found in rap and hip hop music. Love is huge,it is universal, it is scriptural and it is transcendent, Love appears in many forms and shapes,for the month of February I'm left with this thought _what is the meaning of Love?, what is Love ?

Aside from Love there's a lot of other stuff going on in the month of February, and I like to keep track of it all with the csaccac Calendar and the Google Calendar on my smartphone. Around this time of year, I along with thousand of women and businesses owners reach for a calendar as a reminder of important dates and events during the month.For the month of February,I first highlight the month as Black History Month,as the Editor, I feel that it is important that all people know their history as well as the history of other cultures and people to move forward to a better future. 10,20,40 years the world has been fighting HIV/Aids particular within black communities, for this reason Black HIV/AID Awareness day and week is highlighted on my calendar with a link to founding website. Other dates highlighted on both calendars include Go Red For Women,I've been a part of this movement for about three/four years wearing the rhinestone Red Dress on my bright pink jacket and visiting the website each year to get the facts about heart disease in women. After tackling the big events, I continue to highlight some big consumer events starting with Super Bowl Sunday, Valentine's Day, President’s Day and President's Day sales. Back to love, eventhough, I m signed up with several Social Networking sites to meet new people, I haven't jumped back into the dating scene or what some might consider my previous past life,of course _love is a constant thought ,love of family/love friends/love of higher being and appreciation for love . At forty-something love is mulitfacted .Love to chat with you little longer; however, it seems that I've reached the end of this chat plus I've got to get ready for next chat,__so for now, Lots of love and don't forget to use your Smartphone for daily and weekly reminders.

Love Calls: csaccac eNewsletter & Newsletter is a monthly publication, as Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc., I look forward to continuing the chat with you the (consumer& shopper) in the next csaccac Newsletter,and I thank you for your continued support and look forward to providing you the (consumer& shopper) with the latest in consumer product information. TwtyuL T2yuL ch@wuL IBCUN LoL Cu8L until next month don't forget Lips 2shop n 2save,Savor the Flavor & Get ----Twice the Luv