2018 October Editor Note Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc.

Post date: Nov 28, 2018 1:06:41 AM

October reminds me of Beauty and Love in the smallest of things.As Editor,Founder and President of csaccac inc I Love this time of year as the season begins to fill the atmosphere with the smell of pumpkin spice,surrounding each day with beautiful orange and brown colors,the many different shapes of pumpkins, along with the beautiful colors of the Autumn and fall leaves. There is beauty in the ugliest situation,faced with moments when your life feels like a scene out of a Halloween horror movie and grappled fear it seems as if talking about makes it worse,there's nothing worse than feeling of horror WHADDYA??? When it is as ugly as it can get,when there is horror,when it is too horrific to describe _even in the ugliest situations_, I've learned that it is always best,to give thanks. Situations change when you gravitate towards gratitude and thankfulness. I prefer to remain positive in the worst of times,to always look for the brightside in the worst of situations;most all treat my body as a temple unto God and nourish my mind with positive thoughts. _twicetheLuv,I hope as you read this Editor Note God blesses and touches you with all the Love and strength to endure each day as I have for the past 8 years. Traditions,I often speak of them as you know October is the month that many Americans observe the Halloween tradition. For many years,the Halloween tradition has been symbolic for ghost,ghouls,goblins,and spooks,all equating to fear. So when young people think Halloween they attribute many the of ideas I mentioned to Halloween along with the very obvious Halloween tradition candy,costumes,and of course the dreaded trepidation of fear. To the observer of Halloween it is one day out the year to dress up as their favorite Tv and Movie actor,or character,a day to gather with friends and co workers to share fav costumes,foods,and Halloween movies . Of course the overall theme of Halloween is fear of the unknown and not knowing what is going to happen next. Years past,I might of been scared of some of the gimmicks and events accompanied to the Halloween tradition,at 40 something I do fear Halloween pranks,and the people who take the Halloween tradition to far that it harms others. As with all other traditions,Halloween is a once a year event,Id like to live beyond a once year tradition as I am sure you probably feel the same. For this reason_,Safety First should always be at the top of your list. As I reach the end of this Editor Note,I wish each and everyone of a Lots Love,and A Safe Happy Halloween.