2016 March : National Women's History Month

Post date: Apr 21, 2016 4:29:41 AM

A note from the desk of the Editor;

National Women’s History Month is here, and this year's theme : Working to Form a more Perfect Union: Honoring Women in Public Service and Government. As a member of the NWHP,I support the works of the non profit organization to educate students and women of the significant contributions that women has made and continue to make towards women’s right. A product of a public school education the curriculum required students take several courses in U.S. History,I’d been taught U.S. History throughout middle school and high school. During the years, I studied U.S. History,I observed much of the U.S. History taught had been male oriented with a focus on events initiated by men. In 2010,when I first discovered the NWHP, I felt a little shock at how little I had known about women’s history. As I began to read through the information on the NWHP website,I began to understand the importance of the women’s history from that point I knew__ I had to be a part of the effort of women’s equality and women’s right. To conclude,from this Editor’s point of view, the National Women’s History Project (NWHP) allows for an in depth and detailed look at women’s contribution to history and U.S. History.

For more information about the National Women's History Project (NWHP) visit www.nwhp.org


Editor,Founder & President csaccac Inc

Jamala M Johnson