2016 November Editor's Note

Post date: Jan 22, 2017 6:05:07 AM

Gratitude is not just a word it is an action of being,in the presence of gratitude truth and sincerity fills the atmosphere. When I consider the many actions of thoughts that express Gratitude...kind,gracious,grateful and thankful I place each of these thoughts at the top of my list. To live in gratitude keeps us in a state of thankfulness for the little blessings and the big blessings. I strongly/ believe that Gratitude is an action of being and thought that is learned and taught. With the many discouragements that life throws being in a state of Gratitude lessens the weariness a part of life that is as natural as birth and death . At a young age I learned the expression of gratitude and it has stayed with me. The strongest presence of gratitude is often felt in November as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches,Gratitude like love is constant _it is the same as( today & yesterday) and, it remains the same each day . As I've grown over the years, I realize gratitude is not just a word or something that should be expressed on Thanksgiving Day, Gratitude is an action of being and thought, living in Gratitude is as exigent as the air each us breathe. Gratitude warms the air, cool the senses, and brings us back to reality. Today and each day practice gratitude and live in gratitude,a life of gratitude protects us from the afflictions of the soul, the malice of the heart, and the avarice of the mind. Gratitude, I am grateful and thankful for each day to show expressions of gratitude. As I reach the end of this Editor Note, I've found that honoring and recognizing Thanksgiving Day allows each of us to focus on the action of being and thought to show expressions of gratefulness and thankfulness.