June 2018

Post date: Aug 7, 2018 9:03:38 PM

I chat:Think big,Start small,Learn fast_twicetheLuv, sounds like what happens on a summer job,the summer is a awesome time to find seasonal work or the proverbial summer job just before heading backing to school or college. Highschool or College, the summer isn't’ always about fun in the sun for some the goal is to gain invaluable work experience, I love the summer months and as I think about the summers I worked each experience was a good one. A balanced life requires your commitment to being balanced. As i've grown older and taken time to sit with my thoughts, I feel that working in the summer along with time away from everything which includes( internet,television, tech gadgets, family and friend) is part of maintaining a balance life. Of course not everyone feels the same some people prefer a complete break from work,regardless of the sentiment there’s a lot a teen or college can learn from working in the summer. Accountability, shared responsibility, learning to work with others, learning to communicate ideas,each is a valuable skill that is often associated with a summer job, today a Im older and I view the summer differently than from my teen and college years. As a college student, during my job training while working on my summer I found that working with others showed growth and maturity _today that remains true as well as being able to work unsupervised. Years later, the summer jobs I held strongly influence and fueled my desire to attend business school. There’s so much one can do during the summer from blogging to reading to hanging out on the beach, the choice you make is up to you_,I like to be well rounded, most of all_ above everything else, the key to a balance life is doing what works for you and knowing your limit.