2016 Girl to Girl , A Girl Scout Alumni Honoring the Founder of GSUSA

Post date: Apr 21, 2016 5:02:49 AM

A note from the Desk of the Editor;Girl to Girl, throughout the years,I’ve been a part of numerous girl chats with friends, co-workers,aunts and cousins_from lighthearted talks about boys,classes,music,food,good housekeeping and hygiene to serious talks about colleges and careers,I often recall those talks when I’m planning to start a new friendship, relationship, or a new goal. Of all the girl talks I’ve had over the years,the girl talks I recall the most the talks initiated by family, the talks as freshmen living in the dorms, the girl talks as a resident assistant, and of course the girl talks as a Girl Scout. I began my Girl Scout journey in elementary school at a young age before leaving elementary I’d graduated from a brownie to a Girl Scout. As a former Girl Scout ,I know and understand the importance of instilling confidence in girls at a young age to help them excel in life which is what I feel the Girl Scout activities and programs has done for girls for many years. During the years I participated in the Girl Scouts I learned different skills as well as performed community service. At forty-something the lessons and skills I learned as Girl Scout has remained with me throughout the years. An after school program, the Girl Scouts gave me the opportunity to grow,to develop social skills,and most of all it help me to become a better citizen and person at home,at school, and in public. From the years I participated in the program, the Girl Scout has evolved over the years with new activities,badges,and even the cookies has evolved with new names and taste. As a alumnae,I keep up with GSUSA online with Facebook & Twitter and by reading the Girl Scout Alumnae e-Newsletter, in 2012 I renewed my interest in the Girl Scouts through the alumnae program.Today I proudly wear my GUSA alumnae pin. Girl to Girl, the Girl Scout is and has been a great place for girls to come togther share ideas,develop social skills, and build friendships. On this day March 12,I honor and remember the founder Juilette Gordon Low and first Girl Scout troop assemble in Savannah Georgia. For more information pertaining to the GSUSA visit www.girlscouts.org


Editor,Founder & President csaccac Inc;

Jamala M. Johnson