Product of the Month for the Summer Months of June & July

Post date: Aug 14, 2012 5:44:50 PM

(Net books & Android Apps):Every season has its moments for the making of unforgettable memories, for instance,Fall;Halloween and Thanksgiving;Spring,Easter:Winter;Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas,___ then there's Summer, Memorial Day and Independence Day, each waiting for consumers and shoppers to capture those unforgettable holiday moments with picture, a song, a text, or on video. Undeniably, the Digital age and Smart phone era is to date the most widely used form of technology by consumer and shoppers who choose to keep and store holiday memories. Veritably, the holiday seasons has for years been designated as a time that families and friends get together and making lasting memories, not surprisingly, summer is no different from the other season when talking about making life long memories. Certainly, of all the seasons, the summer is by far the best time to put on a great pair of shades to protect your eyes from those harmful UV rays and it is also a great time to sample the different menus and drinks at your favorite fast food restaurant such as McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Hardees, Taco Bell, and Sonic. No ifs ands or buts about it, summer is a great time to try and sample different stuff because the weather is friendly and it offers days of great outdoor weather. And while I had the opportunity to test, sample and try some of the summer stuff I mentioned none of the items made the Product of the Month for June and July. Instead, I chose an item that is just as important as the Smart Phone I used daily to check emails and post updates on all of the Social Networking Sites that I subscribe to as a member. When the lap top I purchased at Wal mart went on the brinks I felt at a lost and didn't know how I would get my reports in on time and post updates to my Face book page. Days, weeks and months later, I haven't gotten around to putting my lap top into repair, I expect it to be costly, at any rate, with the use of a Net book, I am able to get my reports in on time and post updates to my Face book page. You'll find them just about everywhere online and in local chain stores, Net books, they’re light weight, fit easy into a handbag, they have some of the most popular apps already preloaded onto the devices, and most have built wi fi which means that consumer and shoppers have easy access to wi fi on go and away from home. To be truthful, much of the time I use my Smart Phone to check my emails, and post updates; however, I love having the option of being able to use a Net book on the go and away from home because of the bigger screen and its compability with other devices. Remarkably both of the Net books I own have dual functionality meaning they both function as a Net book and a Kindle all-in-one. Of all the summer products I could have chosen this summer, the main reason I chose the Net book as the Product of the Month for the summer because it functions as a Kindle and IPod making it easy for consumers and shoppers a like to download their favorite book and tunes on the go and away from home. ---cacjohnson