2014 March,Editor Note

Post date: Apr 7, 2014 7:03:51 PM

A message from the Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

March it's right on the doorsteps of consumers and shopper everywhere,it's March,Let's March together. Thrilled to be back for March's Editor Note, it is time to march ahead into the new year. The month of March has arrived with numerous activities and events planned throughout the month,March madness,not quite,if you're like me I like to keep a monthly and weekly planner to track events during the month_soooo,for now__I'm going to stay away from the phrase "March Madness" ,even if there's a hint of truth in the phrase_Our words are powerful,they build pictures and images in each person who hears and reads them;Our thoughts builds worlds and they frame our lives;Our choices give us direction,they shape,they mold,and define each of us;And our values leads us to our choices as in the instance with the makers of Barbie ,whom I'll discuss further into this chat.

An all new chat starts right now,you guessed it,the next chat has arrived__no,you haven't missed it,this months chat has been in the works for some weeks.As usual Ive got a few announcements,updates,and status posting to share with each of you this month.First,let's talk about passion. Do you like to dance,sing,write music,play an instrument,volunteer,teach,tutor,perform in front of a crowd ,blog,shop,test products? What is your passion? Whatever_you love doing the most that makes you feel fulfilled,complete,and passionate then get passionate about it and do it with passion,enthusiasm,drive,ardor,high spirit,love,verve and vigor_and people will take note and recognize your talent. A simple concept that has worked for millions of people,getting passionate about a cause,a charity,an interest or an occupation. Living passionately,it is one the main reason, I make it a point each month to write an Editor Note,because I want to get your attention. Of course,each and every Editor Note I write might not be an awarding note or a crowd pleaser but it makes great practice,it builds writing and thinking skills,helps to organize my day to day activities,and it puts life into perspective,the Editor Note is the place where I sum up the month in less than thirty minutes. And to be truthful,of all the stuff,task,and chores I perform during the month_sitting down to chat with each of you is a task that requires a little more than me just regurgitating what's highlighted on my monthly calendar. In fact it requires that I multitask,take inventory of the things I do daily, as well as keep up with current events. While ,at the same time each Editor Note reveals pieces of my life story and personality to readers. From the top,weeks in the making,National Women's History Month got off to a great start,as Editor, I began the month with the reading of the National Women's History project daily gazette for the month of March“Celebrating Women of Commitment,Character and Courage” At the onset of the month, it became apparent during the first week of March that women and their work,their struggles,and their stories who be the focus of several National Women's organization among them the National Women's History Project Organization as well as the Center for Women in Business. History ,but not only just history, Women's History ,it is exciting,it is interesting,and it is the link,and the bond that brings women from all different cultures and background together in the Month. As the month of March rolls out the red carpet for the women pioneers and leaders of Women's History, a myriad women across the globe embark on the same journey. Savor the Flavor, and get twice the Luv, I haven't said that in awhile,well at least not at the beginning of an Editor Note. With Women's History forging ahead from the past to the present to the future,one could easily overlook other events and activities that occur in March,but with a weekly planner,netbook,and Smart Phone that's very rare these days__so,what's some of the other stuff that happening in March well if you haven't already set these dates in your calendar here's my brief short outlook of the month:International Women's Day,National Consumer Protection Week,Girl Scout Week 9th-15th,Barbie's Birthday,Girl Scout's Birthday,Daylight Savings Time March 9th,and St Patrick's Day. Now that you've got your calendar filled I want to chat with you about what you''ll find in this edition of csaccac eNewsletter. Along with a few fun facts about St. Patricks Day,inside this edition of csaccac eNewsletter you'll find the Editor's Pic, my Best Advice from 2010-2013,The Things I Take Pride In,the Product of The Month and some other stuff. As I begin to wrap up this chat,I want chat a few more minutes about one of my American Icons Barbie, whom I briefly spoke at the beginning of this Editor Note.

Ahead of her time,leading in fashion,customs,and behaviors,an American Icon,Barbie:The csaccac Newsletter is a monthly publication, as Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc., I look forward to continuing the chat with you the (consumer& shopper) in the next csaccac Newsletter,and I thank you for your continued support and look forward to providing you the (consumer& shopper) with the latest in consumer product information. TwtyuL T2yuL ch@wuL IBCUN LoL Cu8L until next month don't forget Lips 2shop n 2save,Savor the Flavor & Get Twice the Luv---cacjohnson