Safety First: Firearm Safety

Post date: Dec 22, 2012 11:58:04 PM

From the desk of the Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

Twenty years into the future with a glimpse inside America's public schools and classrooms concerned citizens and parents might inquire the following: What is the standard norm of classrooms across the United States? What is required of America's teachers?What laws,rules and regulations has been implemented and set in place to keep American school children safe?

At a time when America's consumers and shoppers should be preparing for the holiday season,millions of American consumer and shoppers put holiday plans on hold to grieve and remember the twenty children and six adults killed at a Conneticut school right before the Christmas holiday. All throughout the United States,the unexpected firearm deaths has sparked a national debate among American citizens. At the same time the firearm deaths has also left many American citizens and parents asking several questions specifically related to school safety and gun control. As Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc,I frequently address in the editor's note of csaccac Newsletter some of the social issues that ails American citizens. Veritably,a former eight grade Language Arts school teacher,I felt shock and disbelief at the tragic announcement of the Conneticut deaths. Sadly,it is a matter of fact that gun control and firearm safety has been a safey concern that has plaqued American citizens for some years. In March of 2012,after the shooting death of a young man walking out convenience store,and the death of several movie goers at the midnight premier of The Dark Night Rises,I began to question and think deeply about our nations gun laws as well as the violence shown on the big screen and public television. Admittedly,I felt outrage at both incidents along with thousands of America citizens across the United States. Gun violence and Firearm deaths frequently impacts the American way of life,such acts often affects American citizens in an adverse manner. Unequivocally,loss of life from gun violence or a firearm often poses the question what causes a group or a person to commit such acts. Hatred,fear,dread,and rage; emotions that I discuss in September's editor note might give us some answers to the questions but it doesnt solve the problem. Shortly after the announcement of the firearm deaths in Conneticut reports began to trickle in that certain school officials wanted to legislate arming teachers in the classroom with that general information I quickly went to post two statements on the Social Media Outlet Facebook. In outrage to the actual thought of arming teachers,I posted the following statements on Facebook

Here’s my final verdict: People kill people,with that information__how could anyone entertain arming teachers,...I am strongly swayed to the belief of safety first,and with that belief deeply imbedded in my psyche,the most selfless act would be to extend the gun and firearm waitng period,build a national data base with a mandatory list of all those in the home of gun owners,along with mandatory classes and certification.

According to the number of gun related deaths in the United States is approximated at

Instructions to safety that ultimately lead to words to live by I learned in a public school and at home. Ostenibly,it began with a few simple instructions such as look both ways before crossing the street,make sure your shoes are tied,dont stand to close to the curb,dont speak to strangers,walk dont run with scissors,dont lean back in your seat,dont throw things across the classroom,no horseplaying indoors stop,drop and roll in a fire,and dont play with gun. Safety First,a term ,a phrase ,and an adage,that I learned at young age. Two words__, Safety First a theme that followed me all through elementary school from classroom to classroom. Often one of the many lessons pre-k and kindergarten students learn while in a classroom is safety. Since learning the meaning of safety first,it has stuck with me all throughout childhood and well into adulthood. Certainly,safety first should be at the center of teachers and parents attention especially in public school classrooms Speaking in general,a myriad of parents send their children to public schools feeling assured that they'll be safe. Not surprisingly,a tantamount of consumers and shoppers exude the same attitude while shopping or visiting public places. Whether if it is at home,at work or in public school,safety first should be practiced daily as well as instituted in the daily curricula of America's public schools beginning at the pre-k stage. Most importantly,gun and firearm safety should be taught to children of all ages to prevent future mishaps and death. To conclude,as I take a stand on Gun Safety,Gun Control and Arming teachers,I stand firmly by the belief that guns and firearms have no place in public school classrooms.