Moments In Black: Thelma Harrison founder of "Mama I Want to Read"

Post date: Feb 11, 2012 2:44:50 PM

"Jesus Wants to Be a Sunbeam”, one of her favorite songs as stated in her biography, Thelma F. Harrison's life was a reflection of her favorite song. Born February 16, 1915, Thelma F. Harrison began her life journey at Norfolk's Lambert Point neighborhood in Virginia. Thelma F. Harrison's life journey lead her down many paths of service. In tracing Thelma F. Harrison's footsteps one will find that her service in life included being a nurse, community activist, and a teacher. During her lifetime, Thelma F. Harrison received several awards including the Martin Luther King Jr. Award for service to Humanity. After retiring from nursing in 1980, Thelma F. Harrison with Alma Williams founded, in 1988,"Mama, I Want to Read" Program. Located in one of Norfolk's poverty stricken neighborhoods, the Program was implemented to reach three and four year olds to develop pre-reading skills required to enter kindergarten. Dolefully, in July of 2011, Thelma F. Harrison past at the age of ninety-six. Although, Mrs.Harrison has past her legacy, her work, and life's passion continue to abide with Norfolk and the black community.