Meet & Greet: Local Author's Day 2014

Post date: Oct 7, 2014 8:45:35 PM

From the desk of the Editor; Three years after publishing my first book “What’s With All That Stuff,cacjohnson!#@!(A Shopper’s Guide to Better Shopping),I continue to promote my first book via Social Networking Sites,on my websites,and by word of mouth to family and friends on Facebook & Twitter. A great start to the day_and in my opinion a perfect Saturday morning for a book show. A warm sunny Saturday morning, with no rain in sight,the day I attended Local Author’s Day,I woke up in the morning hours to prepare for the day,as a part of the book show I coordinated the outfit I wore to blend in with my book table display. In part to nerves and anticipation of the event,the night before I stayed up late to make sure I had enough of the required materials to present to the public for the book table display. From the pictures of the table taken with my Nexus 7,my book table display looked very presentable__,while in attendance at the event,I filled the hats of Author,Presenter,Photographer,and Social Connector. To be honest at the start of setting up my book table display I experienced a moment of difficult than everything just began to fall into place as shown in the picture below. All pinned up for the event,I averted a bad hair day with lip gloss and a pair of shades as a hair accessory. During the event, I spoke with local author’s along with posting several tweets, and sending out invites on meetme . A break from my Saturday morning routine, I look forward to being a part of future Local Author’s Day,most of all, I’m excited about future book shows,setting up my book table display and meeting followers and readers